Voluntary Scheme on Advancement on Midwifery Practice
- The Midwives Council of Hong Kong (“the Council”) was invited to attend the meeting of the Task Force on Specialisation of Nursing Practice (“Task Force”) on 12 January 2018 to exchange views on specialisation of nursing practice in Hong Kong.
- Having considered the latest development of the advanced and specialised practice of healthcare professions, the Council recognised that it was a global trend to promote advanced midwifery practice. As the only statutory regulatory authority of the midwifery profession in Hong Kong, the Council is obligated to promote the professional development of midwives.
- A Working Group on Advancement on Midwifery Practice was formed in May 2018. It conducts regular meetings normally on a bi-monthly basis.
Terms of Reference
- Discuss and recommend to the Council the direction of specialisation and advanced practice of the midwifery profession.
Convenor Dr Irene LEE Members Ms CHAN Chao-ngan Ms CHAU Mo-ching, Macy Ms Elce AU YEUNG Ms Grace MA Ms Judy NG Ms LAI Chit-ying Ms LAI Sui-yi Ms LAU Lai-fung Ms Manbo MAN Ms SIN Wai-ha Ms SIU Sau-mei, Esther Professor Sylvia FUNG Ms TO Mei-yuk Ms TSANG Yuk-lin, Amy Ms YIP Man-yin - On 15 December 2020, a briefing on the Scheme was organised. A two-month consultation exercise inviting feedback and comments from the public was also launched from 15 December 2020 to 14 February 2021.
- Having consolidated views collected during the consultation period, the Council submitted a proposal on the implementation of the Scheme to the Food and Health Bureau ("FHB") in July 2021, and received support from the FHB in November 2021 for implementation of the Scheme.