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Disciplinary Procedures

In accordance with the Midwives Registration Ordinance, Cap. 162, the Midwives Council deals with complaints against registered midwives touching on matters of professional misconduct. It has no jurisdiction over claims for refund or compensation, which should be pursued through separate civil proceedings.

Complaint against a registered midwife on her professional misconduct should be forwarded to the Secretariat in writing. The Secretariat will refer the complaints to the Chairman of the Council's Preliminary Investigation Committee (PIC) for consideration.

The PIC will decide whether to dismiss the complaint or refer it to the Midwives Council for inquiry. The Council, at the conclusion to the hearing, will decide whether to dismiss the complaint or to pass a sentence if the registered midwife is found guilty. She may then be punished in the form of a disciplinary order, ranging from the removal of her name from the register to reprimand her.